The PrEP Clinic 2022 Logo

Mental Health

Your mental health matters and we are here to support you with free counselling and mental health resources.

Book Appointment Now in our App

Free online counselling with Randall.

We offer FREE online counselling sessions led by our experienced counsellor and social worker Randall. Download our app “The PrEP Clinic” to book a free online appointment with him from anywhere – through video or phone! ANYONE is welcome to this free service.

  1. Download our FREE app “The PrEP Clinic”
  2. Select sign-up, then select “Mental Wellness Counselling Appointment”
  3. Select the date and time that works
  4. Video counselling is all through video chat on the app.

If you are ever in crisis it is important to seek immediate medical attention. For more information on this vist:

If you or someone you love is facing mental health challenges check out the resources below for more information and support.

Support is at your fingertips.


Stigma-busting campaign to provide awareness, education, and support. Led by Canadian sports media personality Michael Landsberg, he also shares his own personal experience living with mental illness in his Daily Landsblog.


The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Their website includes a wealth of information on a wide variety of topics, medical conditions, and medications. They provide access to evidence-based science and research at your fingertips.

Ontario Mental Health Support

Includes a variety of helplines including Hope for Wellness Helpline for indigenous peoples, Ontario Crisis Line, and Kid’s Help Phone.

Connex Ontario

They offer a phone line and online chat. You can also check out resources related to Drugs and Alcohol, Mental Health, and Problem Gambling.


Youth Line provides peer services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, 2-spirited, and queer youth. If you need to talk to someone, they offer a phone line and online chat services.

ACT Toronto (AIDS Committee of Toronto)

ACT offers a variety of mental health, sexual health and substance use supports to cis and trans gay, bi and queer (GBQ) guys.  Women’s Community Development Coordinators and a Women’s Support Coordinator provide services geared for Cis-, Trans-, 2SLGBTQ+ women. The Community Counselling program offers sexual health, mental health and substance use support to GBQ guys regardless of their HIV status in bathhouses, Maple Leaf Medical Clinic and Church Wellesley Health Centre, and on-site at ACT

The Gay Men’s Group Programs offer group based support to GBQ guys on a variety of topics, including wellness, body image, validation, crystal meth and sex, and intimate partner violence. Anonymous point-of-care HIV testing is available on Wednesday evenings from 4:00-8:00pm and a community counsellor is available during this time on a drop-in basis, regardless of test result.

CAMH (Centre For Addiction and Mental Health)

416 535-8501 or 1 800 463-2338 toll-free, staffed 24/7.

Mental Health Crisis Line

A 24/7 helpline to assist people experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.

Telephone: 613-722-6914 / Toll Free: 1-866-996-0991

Kid’s Help Phone

Call a counsellor at 1-800-668-6868

Youthline Live Chat or Text 647-694-4275

List of Additional Distress Lines

For questions about medications relating to mental health please reach out to us 7 days a week. You do not need to be a patient of our pharmacy for this service.

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